Those services are for you if you are:
Hi. I am Palina de Dauwe. I am a psychologist and Somatic Experience practitioner. More specifically I am someone who believes in human resilience and change. Nature able to heal itself. And you are nature.
I help people who want to feel satisfied with their lives but found themselves stuck and going in circles. I support people in exploring their history and uncovering patterns they not aware of so they can have control over their lives and be excited about their future again.
I know from many years of experience working with trauma, burn-out, depression and stress that people like you have the ability to get better. If you are ready to do the work, you will be amazed how capable you are of getting and keeping what you want to have. Therapy can help you to grow more quickly than you have before.
If you are ready to explore what is standing on your way and discover what to do next, then contact me via email to schedule a meeting online or in person. First half and hour of our talk is my gift to you, you don't need to pay for that. My office is in the Utrecht region of the Netherlands.
Utrecht region (the Netherlands)
pddauwe @
KvK: 72235373